I’ve been a creative for as long as I can remember. As a kid, I had an arts table [aka my work desk] where I would spend endless hours making a multitude of things. Back then, my inspiration was neo-expressionist painter Peter Max. His wild colors left a deep impression on my young soul. He imbibed a sense of freedom—that it was possible to use color so boldly.

Later, on a nearly two-year vagabonding stint through Europe, I viscerally remember seeing Michelangelo’s statue of David in Florence at the Galleria dell‘Accadmia di Firenze and being so moved that I stayed hours, mind blown. While bopping around France, I had a DJ gig at the [then] Université d’Aix radio station. My show was called ‘Naked Lunch’ after William S. Burroughs’ book. In spare moments, I could be found at the Fondation Vasarely staring into those giant, wild geometric abstractions. Eventually, I became a DJ in the SF underground club scene at Club Kommotion, the 16th note [the old Firehouse 7 /the Compound], Esta Noche, various gay clubs, and KSFS radio station. For those gigs, I made my own silk-screened flyers & posters and wheat-pasted them around town. They were made at the original Mission Grafića with Jos Sances and René Castro back when low riders ruled the Mission on weekends.

With photography, I started by volunteering for my high school newspaper, then for an SF reggae newsletter. Throughout the 80’s & 90’s I was a broke-ass freelancer during the SF punk days, then eventually the World Beat Scene. As a club rat, I was a dancer at Page Hodel’s the BOX—the sweatiest, jammingest club I’ve ever experienced. My hodge-podge of creative gigs ranged from SF bike messenger [the single speed bike days], dancer in a handful of Bay Area dance companies, modeling in bespoke clothing designer shows, two tours with Cirque du Soleil [behind the scenes], a yoga studio creator, teacher trainer, yoga festival producer and international retreat leader. Perhaps kismet, my yoga studio was the former art studio of the renown German painter Szczesny; his paint drippings covered the giant space that was transformed into a glorious yoga space. I’ve been a perpetual life-long student with several degrees: 8 yoga teaching certificates, an Associate of Arts in Dance, two art certificates [Merritt College] and most recently, one BFA in Fine Arts Practice [CSUEB]. Now, I just want to spread beauty through art & books making. So, I do. My intention is that it brings a deep pause, a breath of healing & joy to you. May you enjoy & be inspired to express your own creativity and walk your personal path of freedom.

the art on the wall says it all…kismet.

let the beauty we love be what we do.

there are hundreds of ways to kneel and kiss the ground.

-Jalāl al-Dīn Rūmī

جلال‌الدین محمد
